Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Coach Todd Rowley: Mr. positive attitude. When we are down, you count on Taylor to fire everyone up. He can yell louder than the whole team combined. He has been flexible in his position helping us at guard, center or tackle wherever needed. He always wants to pull and hit someone, so I love his attitude. Many times he asks for plays that require him to do something extra and I love the idea that he wants to take those plays on. Another guy that if you could bottle "fire" he is your source.
Coach Scott Bequette: I don't know what we would have done without his loud and great attitude. No matter how much pressure was being put on him, he would not quit. Always wanting to cross block to get the advantage on the other team, and on defensive punching through the line and making good hard tackles, making the other team think twice before running through that side of the line.

1 comment:

slee said...

Great Blog!! "What a Punk" said Stephanie Lee